
WVAF is organized with a diverse General Assembly (GA) at the top, consisting of 21 members representing various genders, ethnicities, and professional backgrounds. This assembly convenes annually to make decisions on organizational policy matters.

For day-to-day operations, WVAF has an Executive Committee comprising 9 members with diverse academic and professional backgrounds. Leading the project execution is the Executive Director, positioned under the Executive Committee. WVAF presumably possesses expertise in institutional building, gender, and social inclusion, and development project management.

A Project Management Team, composed of multidisciplinary development professionals, operates under the Executive Director's leadership. This team exhibits diverse capacities in institutional capacity building, rural research and development, development project management, livelihoods, and poverty reduction, micro-enterprise development, socio-political inclusion, access to justice and anti-corruption, and rehabilitation of affected populations.

Development Professionals guide the organization and dedicate efforts to address the needs of the impoverished population. WVAF operates independently and collaborates with national and international NGOs, both autonomously and within consortiums, to achieve its objectives.